Captan' H - fungicide

800 gr
Content %W/W
Captain % 50
Crop Usage Soil application Foliar application
Pear Venturia pirina - 150 g/100 L water
Apple Venturia inaequalis - 150 g/I00 L water
Plum Taphnna pruni - 300 g/100 Lsu
Cherry Monilia laxa=Sclerotinia laxa - 300 g/100 L water
Peach, Apricot Wilsonomyces carpophilus - 300 g/100 L water
Citrus Phytophthora citrophthora - 300 g/100 L water (Fruit infections)
vegetable seedlings Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Alternaria spp., Sclerotinia spp. Phytophthora spp - 200-250 g/100 L water
Tomatoes Phythophthora infestans - 100 l water 300 g/ 100 l water per decare 150 g/da
Tomato Phythophthora infestans - 250 g/100 L water
Lettuce Bremia lactucae - 300 g/100 Lsu
Onion Peronospora destructor - 300 g/100 L water
Potatoes Phythophthora infestans - 350 g/100 L water
* Attention: Aforesaid is for information purposes only. For more detailed information, refer to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for each individual product.


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