Poligor - insecticide

1 L
Content %W/W
Dimethoate 400 g/l
Crop Usage Soil application Foliar application
Apple Aphis pomi - 100 ml/100l water
Apple Stephanitis pyri - 80 ml/da (nymph, adult)
Apple Eriosoma lanigerum - 100 ml/100l water (nymph, adult)
Apple Zeuzera pyrina - 150 ml/100l water (larva)
Peach Nilotaspis halli - 150 ml/100l water (larva)
Aubergine Capnodis spp. - 200 ml/100l water (larva, adult)
Pistachio Idiocerus stali - 150 ml/100l water
Pistachio Agonoscena pistaciae - 100 ml/100l water (nymph, adult)
Pistachio Megastigmus pistaciae - 150 ml/100l water
Pistachio Thaumetopoea solitaria - 150 ml/100l water (larva)
Olive Prays oleae - 100-150 ml/100l water (larva)
Olive Agalmatium flavescens - 150 ml/100l water (nymph)
Olive Euphyllura spp. - 150 ml/100l water (nymph, adult)
Olive Bactrocera oleae - 100 ml/100l water (larva, adult)
Gladiolus Rhizoglyphus echinopus - 100 ml/100l water (larva, adult)
Poplar Saperda populnea - 200 ml/100l water (larva, adult)
* Attention: Aforesaid is for information purposes only. For more detailed information, refer to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for each individual product.


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